Welcome Volunteers!
Our NYCCHP event this year is on Tuesday, December 05, 2023


MJ The Musical at the Neil Simon Theatre

250 West 52 Street, New York, NY

The cost is $90 per volunteer which includes your ticket and refreshments.  Please register and pay below.  
You are also welcome to sponsor one or more children at an additional $90 per child.
A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated. 
Thank you!

Volunteer Registration

Volunteer Tickets
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Volunteer Ticket $0.00

On the next page, please list the names and phone numbers of all volunteers for whom you are registering.

To sponsor a child or make a donation, see below.

Sponsor a child
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Sponsor one or more children at $90/child $0.00
Sponsor one child for $90, two children for $180, three for $270, etc.

You are most welcome to make an additional donation for any amount. We thank you sincerely.
